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Rosemary E. Ford (Rose)

Rose is a graduate of the Holistic Health Center and The School of Body Therapies and has been practicing massage since 1997. Services include Integrative, Deep Tissue, Pre-Natal, Hot Stone, Thai, as well as About Face and Cupping. Rose is also certified in Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy ®.


A competitive Masters Rower, Rose particularly enjoys working with athletes. She knows from personal experience how beneficial massage can be in preventing injury and accelerating recovery.


Her clients include both athletes (triathletes, marathon runners, rowers, and pitchers) and non-athletes, ranging in age from middle school to senior citizens. Member of ABMP.


NJ License: 18KT00521600

* Please note my practice is full, with the exception of individual Ashi or Hot Stone appointments 

Karen J. Kibbey


Karin is a graduate of Health Choices School of Massage. She offers Integrative, Deep Tissue, and NMT massage, and incorporates Young Living Essential Oils into her sessions. Karin's work is firm and flowing. Limited availability for new clients. No weekend hours


NJ License: 18KT00604800

Glorilys Aviles - (Glory)


Glory Is a graduate of the Rizzieri School of Massage. Glory offers Integrative, Deep Tissue, Aromatherapy  & Chair Massage. Her slow, focused work is both firm & deeply relaxing. Glory was born in Puerto Rico, and speaks and understands basic Spanish. Available weekends only.

NJ License 18KT01266100

Colleen Bonhage


Colleen is a graduate of Health Choices School of Massage, and offers Integrative Massage, Aromatherapy,  and foot massage. Having worked in podiatry for many years, Colleen is well acquainted with the foot! Her work is both nurturing and dynamic. Colleen is available Monday afternoons, and Wednesday & Friday until 3:00.

(Not accepting new clients at this time)

NJ License 18KT003555900

Christine Carty


An avid bowler, Christine is a graduate of Gentle Healings School of Massage. She offers Integrative, Deep Tissue Massage, & Pre-Natal Massage. Christine is available Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday evenings at 5:30pm. NJ License #18KT00122600

Liliya Kostina ( Lily)


A native of Ukraine, Lily is a  Level 3  Karuna Reiki Master and graduate of the  Hopewell Reiki School. She knows first hand the transformative power of Reiki energy, and its ability to help overcome stress, anxiety, headaches, and insomnia. Available Saturday & Sunday.

Tracey Ulshafer


Tracey is a graduate of Health Choices School of Massage. When not teaching yoga or leading International Sacred travel groups, she finds time to practice massage.  She has traveled extensively in Thailand, and offers Thai Massage, as well as Integrative, Deep Tissue, and Reiki. Tracey is available "on-call" most weekdays.

NJ License #18KT00790300.

( No availability January 17- Feb 28)

Alegra Cerrato


 Is a graduate of the Humanities School of Massage in St. Petersburg, FL, and practiced in Florida for many years prior to moving to New Jersey. She offers Integrative, Deep Tissue, NeuroMuscular Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, &Reiki.

She is available  Wednesdays 1:00-4:00 pm. NJ License #18KT00057800

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